About Bethany
I love My husband, my sons, + early mornings in the garden
Hi! I’m Bethany, wife to Kevin and mom to two boys who are turning into men before my eyes.
My family is my priority but that hasn’t always been that way. There was a time where I was career focused and driven by the desire for that next promotion. All that changed after experiencing a loss (and several near losses) within my little family.
After living most of my life in Illinois, we made changes to make our family the priority. I became a transplant to my husband’s native Kentucky, moving just a 5 minute drive from his parents.
While I have been blessed to be able to continue my corporate job as a leader within a Fortune 50 company, working from home, that decision – to put our family first and raise our sons just down the road from their grandparents – was the first in a series of decisions to live differently, to place our family as the priority, and to opt-out of the systems so many of us follow without even considering why.
We began to homeschool shortly after moving to Kentucky, and we found a community filled with friendship, joy and support. Since then my family has experienced health issues that led us to forge a path to cleaner living that came from many hours of research into what “clean” really means. This seems to be a never-ending journey.

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